Reason #8 The Spectacular Influence of the Christian Faith Abroad
The facts of history strongly indicate
that evangelical Christianity deserves credit for being the true impetus behind
the increased levels of fairness and equality that have marked the last two
centuries of world history.
At least some of the eye-rolling that was
directed at Christians over the past few decades was paused in May of 2012 when
the latest edition of the American
Political Science Review—the top journal in its field—published the bombshell
research of Dr. Robert Woodberry: "The Missionary Roots of Liberal
Democracy." Against all the cherished presuppositions of our skeptical
generation, Woodberry’s article argued the benefits of Christianity around the
world so convincingly that scholars simply had to acknowledge the strength of
his data.
That data, rigorously crosschecked to
include every imaginable variable, indicates that countries in which
proselyting Protestant missionaries had a significant presence in the 1800s are
the same ones which enjoy, on average, more liberty, better treatment of women
and children, higher literacy and educational attainment, lower infant
mortality rates, better health, and stronger economies than similar nations
which had no such missionary presence. One commentator offered this summary of
Woodberry’s article, “Want a blossoming democracy today? The solution is
simple—if you have a time machine: Send a 19th-century missionary.”
Proselyting missionaries came to their
fields of service with New Testament ideas that were at first very foreign to
their hearers—that all people should be educated to learn to read (so at least
they could “search the Scriptures”), and that women and children were equal in
importance to men in God’s eyes and should be treated with respect, and that
all people should have a say in choosing their leaders. The missionaries also
worked against their own countrymen to end the opium trade in China and the
barbarism of colonialism in the Belgian Congo, planting the seeds of abolition
wherever they went as well. They influenced individuals and governments to
abandon the traditions of female infanticide in China and India, the
consummation of marriage with young children in India, the practice of
footbinding in China, and female genital cutting in North Africa. And the
missionaries sponsored the first newspapers that many areas of the world had
ever produced in their own language, furthering the ideals of freedom of speech
and freedom of the press.
When skeptics suggest that the
missionaries were oppressors, Woodberry points out: "We don't have to deny
that there were and are racist missionaries. We don't have to deny there were
and are missionaries who do self-centered things. But if that were the average
effect, we would expect the places where missionaries had influence to be worse
than places where missionaries weren't allowed or were restricted in action. We
find exactly the opposite on all kinds of outcomes. Even in places where few
people converted, [missionaries] had a profound economic and political
Woodberry also points out that Catholic
missionaries and the Protestant clergy missionaries who were financed by the
state had no comparable positive impact on democracy as the proselyting
Protestants had (probably partly because of the ties these other missionaries
had with colonial governments).
Daniel Philpott, professor of political
science at Notre Dame, referred to Woodberry’s research as “devastatingly
thorough,” saying of the missionaries’ role in fostering democracy around the
world, “Not only is it another factor—it turns out to be the most important
The facts of history strongly indicate
that evangelical Christianity deserves credit for being the true impetus behind
the increased levels of fairness and equality that have marked the last two
centuries of world history.
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